Manual Handling Training & Education


Manual handling training is one of the most fundamental risk-management strategies an organisation can implement. In many industries, physical demands such as lifting, pushing, pulling and bending are simply essential components of key roles. Unfortunately, these activities pose a risk to both workers and companies.

Why is manual handling important?

Repetitive tasks naturally place a load on soft tissues, such as muscles, tendons and ligaments. If tasks are performed in a sub-optimal manner (biomechanically speaking), this can amplify the load and strain on tissues, substantially increasing the risk of injury. Not only does this increase the risk of injury while completing the task, but it may also increase the future risk of sustaining an injury at work, given that many injuries are the result of cumulative trauma.

What’s involved in your manual handling training?

A typical manual handling training program will cover:

  • Education on the importance of manual handling.
  • Information about specific risks.
  • Overview of relevant anatomy.
  • Fundamental principles of safe lifting.
  • Practical demonstrations and feedback.
  • Guidance regarding task modification.
  • Reinforcement of company-specific policies.

Is your manual handling training generic or company-specific?

We can offer both forms of training. However, where practical, we much prefer to tailor the training to your business. This usually involves an on-site visit, examining the various tasks and roles, so that we can identify key risks and customise our presentations to be as relevant as possible to your staff.

Training can be delivered on-site or remotely, as needed.

If you would like to schedule manual handling training, please call us on 1300 380 999.