Ergonomic Assessments & Training


The transition towards a ‘Work from Anywhere’ economy has only amplified the critical importance of ergonomics for companies around Australia and, as the old adage goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Why is ergonomics important?

Ergonomics is vitally important to Australian businesses for several reasons.

Reducing the risk of injury:
The most common types of ‘time loss’ injuries in Australia are muscle strains / sprains and, in office environments, these are often attributable to the cumulative effects of poor ergonomics. Ergonomic assessments aim to create a comfortable and safe working environment that reduces the risk of musculoskeletal disorders, such as back pain, neck pain, and carpal tunnel syndrome, that can result from repetitive motions, awkward postures, and excessive force.

Consider the length of time we each spend in our work environment. Then think about the number of repetitive tasks/movements we undertake. It is simply inevitable that problems will arise if preventative strategies aren’t implemented. By configuring workstations to fit the needs of workers, ergonomic interventions can minimize the physical stress on the body and reduce the likelihood of injury.

Improving productivity:
Ergonomics can help increase productivity by making tasks more efficient and comfortable. When workers are comfortable and not experiencing pain or discomfort, they are more likely to work faster and more efficiently. This can result in increased production and output.

Boosting employee satisfaction and morale:
By creating a comfortable and safe working environment, employees feel valued and appreciated. This leads to increased job satisfaction and higher morale, which can, in turn, improve retention rates, reduce absenteeism, and increase employee engagement. Research supports these benefits. A supported employee is inevitably a happier one.

What ergonomics services do you offer?

At Portable Health, we can conduct:

  • Individual ergonomic assessments;
  • Group ergonomic training;
  • Comprehensive office audits;
  • Online ergonomic assessments;

and anything in between…

What is involved in a typical ergonomic assessment?


The assessor will conduct an interview with the worker to better understand their work habits, any symptoms of discomfort or pain, and the nature of their job tasks.


The assessor will observe the worker’s tasks and movements to identify ergonomic risk factors, such as awkward postures, repetitive motions, and excessive force.


The assessor will make adjustments on the spot where applicable to improve the worker’s setup. This may involve moving/adjusting equipment and/or providing suggestions to the worker about postures and techniques.

Report & Recommendations:

The assessor will provide a summary report to the referrer describing the employee’s setup and changes implemented. If appropriate, the report will also contain recommendations for equipment that may be beneficial for the worker. This will always be discussed separately with the employer.

Who provides your ergonomics services?

Our expert ergonomic consultants are physiotherapists or exercise physiologists with extensive training in human biomechanics. They have deep knowledge of anatomy and physiology, as well as an detailed understanding of common injuries and ergonomic workplace issues. They are the ideal practitioners to provide evidence-based expert advice.

How do we book an ergonomic assessment?

Simply call us on 1300 380 999 today to book an assessment or find out more. We provide ergonomic services in the Newcastle, Hunter & Central Coast regions.